Annual Flowers to Grow Now


Summer in Winnipeg is all about enjoying brighter evenings and greener neighbourhoods. During this time, who doesn’t love the idea of having their own garden loaded with colourful, leafy flowers!  

 Annual flowers, known for their striking seasonal blooms, come in vibrant shades and sizes at local garden centres. However, the real struggle for a newbie gardener like me is to pick the right kind for our gardening area without any prior knowledge of plants.

 Today, Nicole, our local garden expert from Kanahda Garden Products, Winnipeg, shares her pro tips on the basic characteristics of easy-care annual flowering plants that will keep your garden blooming all summer long!

 “The only factor I emphasize before recommending a plant is sun exposure in the area where you wish to grow it,” shares Nicole. “Sometimes, we kill our plants with kindness and some bloom to their fullest when left alone.”

 So, if you’re unsure about what variety to choose for your (full-shade, part-shade or full-sun) patio, balcony or garden; Nicole has all your sun-shade issues sorted out.

 Full-Shade Annuals

 The natural light is determined by nearby buildings, walls, trees or even the direction of your garden or balcony. Technically, the full-shade areas of your garden are those which receive less than 3-hours of direct sunlight every day.

Pro Tip: The north side of a house receives the least amount of direct sun, so use this as the base sunlight level.

 Here are some can’t-kill annual plants to add a pop of colour to those shaded corners:



Add an edge to your landscape with Begonias’ bronze coloured leaves and bright petals available in three shades – red, white and pink. These sturdy plants do not demand heavy watering or sunlight to survive.

Pro Tip: Regular pruning of the dead flowers will keep this fellow blooming till the fall season sets in.



These lightly scented, golden annuals also do great in light-deficient zones. Whether you keep them in a pot or in soil, these little guys will never trouble you for frequent watering.

 Part-Shade Annuals

The east and west side of a building gets 3 to 6 hours of direct sunlight from morning and afternoon sun respectively. If your gardening area falls in these two directions or is sparsely covered by trees and foliage that obstruct direct sunlight, the following flowers are perfect for you:



Available in the tones of white, pink, purple and red; Vincas can easily flourish in shade or sun. Their lustrous green foliage grows quickly and makes it ideal for border edging under mature trees, container planting or hanging baskets.



These tiny, coral-red and orange bunch of flowers are low in maintenance and do well in partial shade to full sun.

ProTip: Avoid watering this filler excessively, just prune the deadheads as required to retain its vibrant display of colour till mid-fall.

Full-Sun Annuals

These plants thrive in the direct sunlight of at least 6 hours or more. The south-facing entrance or backyard gets ample direct sunlight throughout the day, including the noon hours. Partial-sun flowers can also do survive in full sun if they are watered regularly. Have a look at these categories to decorate the sunniest part of your house:



Perfect for hanging baskets in your patio, these gorgeous tissue paper blooms with fancy leaves grow well in full sun to partial shade. It’s intolerant to standing water but the soil needs to be kept evenly moist.

Pro Tip: Cut off the faded flowers to further the growth of these beauties till the end of summer.



The fast-growing Petunias bloom spectacularly in the full sun. Their trumpet-shaped flowers in pink, white, red and purple shades will grace your garden from early spring through fall.

Pro Tip: Be mindful of excessive watering and keep pruning the diebacks to get more blooms till the season lasts.

So, if you have already figured out the spots you want to fill with lush blooms, you can explore more options on her website. If you have other plant queries, feel free to meet Nicole at her garden centre, located at 354 Gardenview Drive, West St. Paul, MB. 


Happy gardening, folks!


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